Shopping for a green sleeve for our new laptop

We just invested in a new laptop, a MacBook Pro. We’re shopping for a protective sleeve, so we can carry it around safely. Want to go as sustainable as we can with the purchase, live up to our aspirations if we can. We’ve done a bit of research, and have found the following links to […]

Shopping for green laptop sleeve

Well, such a thing may exist only in our dreams.But thanks to a kind friend–Steven Volynets from GoodCleanTech–we’ve found something pretty close from a company called Simple Shoes. Affordable, cute, responsively sourced: yup, pretty close. The materials are hemp, organic cotton, jute, felt. No cherry red or golden scales. We’re leaning toward the burnt brick. […]

The Eur-Oceans Project offers ocean acidification 101

A short video intro to the basics of ocean acidification, courtesy of the Eur-Oceans Project, a network of research teams co-funded by the European Union. A bit dry but some nice graphics. Also available in French for our francophone friends.

The Gore 10-Year Challenge

Al Gore threw down the gauntlet yesterday, challenging the U.S. to go completely carbon-free in its energy sources within ten years. We have the technology to do it, he claimed, speaking in DC to an enthusiastic crowd. The 50-year goals politicians have been setting, eg, at the recent G8 meetings, just don’t cut it: they’re […]

Up-to-date info on climate issues from scientists

RealClimate is a commentary site on climate science by working climate scientists for the interested public and journalists.Their goal: " to provide a quick response to developing stories and provide the context sometimes missing in mainstream commentary." They eschew discussion of the political and economic implications of their reports; however, their posts often engender extensive, […]

What we know is a drop in the ocean

It’s darn expensive studying the ocean, as two Australian scientists pointed out recently. That’s the reasonwe know a lot more about what’s going on above sea level. ‘"Marine ecosystems are undoubtedly under-resourced,overlooked and under threat and our collective knowledge of impacts onmarine life is a mere drop in the ocean,’ wrote Dr Anthony Richardson,from The […]

World Ocean Day 2009–party with A Sea Change

The problem of ocean acidification is global. That’s why we want to spark awareness of the issue with a series of international events on World Ocean Day 2009, June 8. As an anchor event we invite you to screen A Sea Change. Maybe you’d like to use the opportunity to raise awareness around your own […]

1 million tons an hour dissolving in the ocean

We were staggered to hear this statistic in KQED’s recent story on ocean acidification. Yup, that’s the rate at which carbon dioxide is dissolving in the ocean. Treehugger’s got the story running with a nice little slide show. The focus is research being conducted at the Monterey Bay Aquarium Research Institute (MBARI).

A Sea Change at World Conservation Congress

We were delighted earlier this week by an invitation to screen the trailer for A Sea Change in Barcelona next month. The occasion is the World Conservation Congress, a four-yearly gathering sponsored by IUCN. They expect thousands of attendees from civil society, academia, and governments around the world. The structure is a four-day Forum, with […]

A Sea Change coming

Look for the world premiere in early 2009. Meanwhile, watch the trailer here. Or if you have trouble viewing it, please visit our YouTube channel. Editor Toby Shimin iscutting away in upstate New York. We’ve nearly got a fine cut. The story has emerged and we”ve found the balance we were looking for between the […]

Carbon caveat

New species found in Australian reefs

Remember that tongue-eating fish we mentioned? And the dozens of other new species? See them in living color in this story from NTDTV. The species were discovered by an expedition mounted by the Australian Institute of Marine Science. Scientist JulianCaley says they never expected to find so many new species.It’ll take years just to name […]

Obama addresses ocean acidification

Sea Action Fund joined forces with 18 other science organizations to ask the US presidential candidates 14 science questions. Democratic candidate Barack Obama specifically addressed ocean acidification in his answer to the ocean health question. The question asked: "Scientists estimate that some 75 percent of the world’s fisheries arein serious decline and habitats around the […]

Olivia Chantecaille at the Oceans Pavilion in Barcelona

Olivia Chantecaille attended the roll-out of a gorgeous booklet called Gems of the High Seas at the Oceans Pavilion. Chantecaille Cosmetics, of which she is creative director, sponsored the booklet’s publication.Gems of the High Seas focuses on six beautiful and endangered regions of the ocean. Ms. Chantecaille said: "The strongest message that I’ve gotten from […]

Our green aspirations

Click to Play Ben Kalina speaks briefly about our plans to produce a film with a small carbon footprint and a big educational footprint, while making art in the process. Yes, and when we’re finished with that, we’ll be balancing the U.S. budget and drinking to world peace. Thanks to Cameron Hickey from Pattern Films […]


NOAA’s Pacific Marine Environmental Laboratory  (PMEL) Carbon Dioxide Program maintains a site that’s chock-a-block with info about the ocean carbon cycle, including acidification. Technical language, but accessible to the lay person. "The ocean plays a critical role in the global carbon cycle as avast reservoir that exchanges carbon rapidly with the atmosphere, andtakes up a […]

Reunion Island Students at the IUCN Sailing to Barcelona Intiative

Click to Play Two charming students from Reunion Island talk about the importance of maintaining biodiversity. They were generous enough to speak with me in English; of course, they were much more comfortable in their native language (French, in case you didn’t know). I hope to post their commentary for the francophones among us soon. […]

Rising ocean acidity slows marine fertilization Rising acidification of the ocean could reduce fertilization ofmarine invertebrates and might eventually wipe out colonies of seaurchins, lobsters, mussels and oysters, according to a study. Scientists knew that ocean acidification was eating away at theshells of marine animals, but the new study has found that risingacidity hindered marine sperm from swimming to and […]

Sailing to Barcelona

Our hats are off to those who can attend a conference and blog daily. We can only observe dumbfounded as we stumble into bed after a day and evening of screenings, discussions, serendipitous encounters, and hurried visits to email and that huge congress calendar. Luckily someone had the foresight to create a cheat sheet for […]

Sizzle–global warming comes to a theater near you

We just found out about this and are super curious. It’s a comedy! We don’t know how it’s possible to make a funny doc about this subject, but don’t mind finding out. We’re definitely going, as soon as we can. Sizzle is directed by Randy Olson, whose first career was in marine biology. The film […]

Summer Streets in New York City

Regular readers know we don’t limit ourselves to direct reporting on climate change and ocean acidification. No, we gotta take ourselves into the open air sometimes and perk up. Here’s a great carbon-free option for doing just that. Courtesy Streetfilms.

Sylvie Chantecaille at the IUCN World Conservation Congress

The Chantecaille family was well represented in Barcelona, with both mother (Sylvie) and daughters (Alex and Olivia) attending as delegates for the Marine Conservation Biology Institute (MCBI). Mrs. Chantecaille has led the way in leveraging the family’s international cosmetics business into a means of letting women know about marine conservation issues. She said: "We have […]

The Ocean Acidification Network

This is a site we know we’ll be using a lot; it’s jam-packed with info about ocean acidification. Aimed at scientists, but not too technical for the lay person. Organizations involved in the Ocean Acidification Network: the Scientific Committee on Oceanic Research (SCOR), United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization-Intergovernmental Oceanographic Commission (UNESCO-IOC), the International […]

Tongue-eating animal lurks in coral

Exciting news this morning, along with the US government’s bail-out of the stock market, was the reporting on the finding of hundreds of new species in coral reefs right off the Australian coast. Evidently they’ve been under our noses this whole time, because the discoveries have been made in popular diving spots. The Age reports […]