NBC anchor Wendy Rieger couldn’t get into DC premiere of A Sea Change

This post would belong in the shameless self-promotion category, except that Wendy Rieger wrote the bulk of it; we're just quoting. Anchor of NBC4 in DC, and originator of the "Going Green" strand, she produced a lovely story on A Sea Change. Wendy decided the next day to attend our DC premiere in person, and […]

NBC DC reports on A Sea Change

Anchor Wendy Rieger produced a story on A Sea Change last week, leading up to our premiere Saturday in the DC Environmental Film Festival. Below is an excerpt. Wendy reports on environmental issues regularly in her series “Going Green” on NBC 4 in Washington.

Oceans & climate change

James Baker discusses the impact of global warming on coral reefs, ocean acidification, chemistry of the atmosphere and ocean, and growing public awareness of the issues.  Formerly, Baker was NOAA's Undersecretary of Commerce/Administrator during the Clinton Administration. He currently serves as Director of the Clinton Foundation's Global Carbon Measurement Program.The talk was given at Cornell […]

Plan B for climate urged by scientists

It’s time to implement Plan B, to use technology to address excess carbon in the atmosphere. That’s the feeling of a growing number of climate scientists polled by The Independent. The Kyoto Treaty has not served to limit the release of carbon dioxide. And recent research reports that the world’s naturally occurring carbon "sinks" are […]

Pray for the pteropods

“The significant problems we face cannot be solved at the same level of thinking we were at when we created them.” ~ Einstein Fluid, gorgeous little creatures – like winged angels of the sea. Thatʼs how these precious bite-sized beings, the size of a babyʼs fingernail, appeared to Sven Huseby when he first saw them. […]

Shell weights reduced by ocean acidity

Reuters reported today (March 9) that a new study at the University of Tasmania in Australia shows that ocean acidification is reducing the shell weights of tiny creatures called foraminifera. Weights are falling between 30 and 35 percent. "William Howard of the University of Tasmania in Australia described the findings as an early-warning signal, adding […]

Sneak Preview Tuesday night at National Constitution Center in Philadelphia

Come join us for a very special Earth Day Eve event at the National Constitution Center on Independence Mall in Philadelphia as we screen A Sea Change as part of the Red, White, Blue & Green series, presented by the Knight Constitutional Conversations series.  Barbara and Sven will take part in a panel after the […]

Support for A Sea Change from Dr. Spinrad at NOAA

“Ocean acidification is a significant part of the climate change story. A Sea Change does a unique and excellent job of conveying this complex scientific issue to the public.”—Dr. Richard W. Spinrad, NOAA Assistant Administrator for Oceanic and Atmospheric Research

Support for A Sea Change from Inside Cinema

“A Sea Change is really terrific! Great content, great visuals + love the message, process and results — It will be a big hit for our conference, especially the inter-generational dialogue and the power of one individual to explore and share and do something. It’s a really smart film and in the context of our […]

Support for A Sea Change from the sustainable fisheries world

"A Sea Change offers a searching, emotionally powerful look at ocean acidification. This problem is sometimes called the "evil twin" of climate change, and many of us regard it as an existential threat to the future of fishing. The story is full of heart, scientifically accurate, and lyrical. It also offers good reason for hope, […]

Support from Greenpeace campaigner for A Sea Change

"[A Sea Change] follows ex-history teacher, activist and grandfather Sven Huseby as he travels to visit various scientists to learn more about the impacts of ocean acidification and tries to find ways to explain the problem to his 5-year-old grandson, Elias. I completely fell in love with Sven and the extraordinarily bright Elias. The people […]

Take Action Today to Address Ocean Acidification

Our elected representatives will only vote for change if we, theirconstituents, make it clear that strong action is needed now. Urge them to vote infavor of strong protections for the world’s oceans through dramaticreductions in CO2. Here are just a few of the things you can do about the urgent problem of ocean acidification. Please […]

The other CO2 problem

Have we mentioned that claymation is one of our absolute favorite things? You can imagine how thrilled we were to hear about a new film which uses that medium to teach about ocean acidification. Made by kids! Students from Ridgeway School in Plymouth created The Other CO2 Problem, which debuted in Copenhagen before 100 internationalscientists […]

US Now Largest Wind Power Producer in the World

The United States has overtaken Germany to become the largest producer of wind energy in the world, generating enough capacity to eliminate the burning of 91 million barrels of oil per year. The American Wind Energy Association (AWEA) reports US windproducers experienced a record year of growth in 2008—the third in arow. America now has […]

Washington Post reviews A Sea Change

Ann Hornaday reviews A Sea Change in today's issue of The Washington Post (March 12). An excerpt: "The story of a retired educator who becomes interested in, and finally consumed by, the declining state of the world's oceans, the film [A Sea Change] brings a crucial and little-known issue to the attention of filmgoers. The […]

A cool green case for your iPhone

Well, our old cell phone was on the verge of dying. The body was cracked in two or three places. High time to upgrade massively because we're also wanting to tweet more frequently and generally be more accessible. Yet not carry our laptop everywhere. So we took the plunge into the 21st century. To protect […]

A Sea Change screening in San Diego for World Oceans Day

Elena and Dennis of Sea Rocket Bistro appeared on Channel 6 in San Diego to promote their World Oceans Day screenings of A Sea Change. The best advocates we could ask for! Sea Rocket Bistro is a farm-to-table restaurant that focuses on localfoods in order to provide a more physical connection between their guestsand the […]


The American Clean Energy and Security Act — the Waxman-Markey bill, HR 2454— represents a critical opportunity to deliver on President Obama's vision for a clean energy economy. The bill's coming up for a vote on the House floor by Friday, June 26, the end of this week. Congress needs to hear from you, if […]

Al Gore testifies to House E&C Committee, mentions ocean acidification

In his testimony before the House Energy & Commerce Committee April 24, Al Gore said: “Carbon dioxide pollution is changing the very chemistry of our oceans. Ocean acidification is already underway and is accelerating. A recentpaper published in the journal Science described how the seawater off the coast of Northern California has become so acidic […]

Center for Biological Diversity sues EPA over ocean acidification

Today the Center for Biological Diversity has filed the first-ever US law suit addressing ocean acidification. The Center is suing the EPA and administrator Lisa Jackson over their failure to recognize the effects of ocean acidification in water off the coast of Washington State. The case is a test of whether the Clean Water Act […]

COP-15 for naught?

You may have noticed the drop off in our blogging. We're finding Twitter a super convenient way to convey info quickly. There's a certain ease in the short-form format; we don't feel the need to craft our language quite as carefully. And it's unbeatable for live coverage of an event. If you've been following us, […]


We just really like EnviroMom a lot. Can't remember how we stumbled on it; it's been a long day. Started by 2 moms, Renee and Heather. Their premise: they're moms and they're busy, but they can still be green. So prolly you can, too. Mind you, they're based in Portland, ME, which strikes as a […]

EPA reconsiders ocean pH limits, response to Center for Biological Diversity petition

"U.S. EPA is weighing a revision of standards aimed at preventing the acidification of marine waters. The effort marks the first time EPA has invoked the Clean WaterAct to address ocean acidification, and comes in response to a 2007petition from the Center for Biological Diversity. The center notedthat EPA has failed to update the pH […]