Host a House Party for the US TV premiere of A Sea Change
WHEN: Saturday, Sept. 26, 8 pm EST WHERE: Your house & Planet Green Network SIGN-UP: On our Brave New Theaters page “This film is both a love letter to the planet and an urgent plea to its citizens.” —San Francisco Chronicle Will you host a House Party for the US TV premiere of A SEA […]
“Human denial of various colors has unfortunately played a large role in fostering inaction over mitigating global warming’s effects. Ettinger wisely gets around this problem by grounding Huseby’s search for answers as a personal quest. Through the bits of personal background mentioned in the film, the viewer learns the long family tradition behind Huseby’s love […]
‘A Sea Change’ Brings in a Tide of Change
“Pteropods dance to a musical composition of perfect balance. Their translucent wings flutter delicately deep within our oceans. With each movement they beckon us to discover more of their world, a world that is in danger because their existence is threatened. And what are pteropods you ask? They are tiny organisms at the bottom of […]
Ann Hornaday
A Sea Change looks terrific, with lots of breathtaking footage of the natural world, from the tiniest pteropod (the fluttery, planktonic sea snail that is most threatened by acidification) to the most majestic Norwegian scenery. And, at a time when plenty of documentaries want to be the “Inconvenient Truth” of fill-in-the-issue, A Sea Change brings […]
Brad Warren
“A Sea Change offers a searching, emotionally powerful look at ocean acidification. This problem is sometimes called the “evil twin” of climate change, and many of us regard it as an existential threat to the future of fishing. The story is full of heart, scientifically accurate, and lyrical. It also offers good reason for hope, […]
Dr. Cat Dorey
“A Sea Change follows ex-history teacher, activist and grandfather Sven Huseby as he travels to visit various scientists to learn more about the impacts of ocean acidification and tries to find ways to explain the problem to his 5-year-old grandson, Elias. I completely fell in love with Sven and the extraordinarily bright Elias. The people […]
Dr. Richard W. Spinrad
“Ocean acidification is a significant part of the climate change story. A Sea Change does a unique and excellent job of conveying this complex scientific issue to the public.” —Dr. Richard W. Spinrad, NOAA Assistant Administrator for Oceanic and Atmospheric Research
Jess Reese
“Like Sven and many others in A Sea Change, once I learned about the problem of ocean acidification I have been able to think of little else. The dire message of ocean acidification is beautifully conveyed in the film and it does a wonderful job of highlighting the duty of us all to become educated […]
Justin Berton
“Huseby launches an adorable “About Schmidt”-like road trip to meet the world’s leading oceanographers and global warming experts to better understand the magnitude of the problem, and learn how to start curing it. The journey takes the genial narrator, and viewers, as far north as the North Pole and as local as Monterey in search […]
Marin Maven
“Ocean acidification is the flip side of global warming and if you have children, grandchildren or any investment in life as we know it continuing on this planet, this is a must-see film.” —Marin Maven
New York City Premiere
Sept. 13, American Museum of Natural History. Free! Filmmakers Barbara Ettinger and Sven Huseby present. 4 pm; W. 79th St. and Central Park West.
Take Action
Organize a house party and watch the telecast with your neighbors. We’re working on setting up a quick way to email your representatives and express your concern about ocean acidification and the need for the US to lead the way in CO2 emission reduction at COP-15. The oceans aren’t on the table at COP-15. We […]
U.S. Telecast
Sat., Sept. 26, 2009, 8 pm, Planet Green Network. Look for this channel on cable, Direct TV, and more. It’s the first & only 24-hour eco-lifestyle TV network. A Sea Change airs as part of Planet Green’s “Reel Impact” series. We’re in terrific company: also airing are An Inconvenient Truth, Who Killed the Electric Car, […]