In South America This Fall: In April!
By Daniel de la Calle Today we want to briefly share with you our plans for A Sea Change during the upcoming months. During the last few months last year, we had been discussing our possible presence during the RIO+20 summit this coming June. We kept receiving mixed signals: encouraging, hopeful news together with […]
To Save Corals
By Daniel de la Calle Right where you read these words now many others have stood, layer upon layer, in a frustrated attempt to write about corals and my dives at the Tayrona National Park back in June. They were not the problem, the source of trouble was the confusing mixture of sensations and […]
Interview with Sven
By Daniel de la Calle On this rainy morning I had the chance to meet with Sven for a cup of tea and a half hour chat in his kitchen. We had not done an official interview for the blog since May of last year, so an update on A Sea Change and the […]
Reconsider Your Shrimp
By Daniel de la Calle » Williams College, in Williamstown, Mass. is hosting an Oceans Symposium and next Monday, Feb. 27, at 7 p.m., Elizabeth Kolbert, staff writer at The New Yorker, will lead a discussion following a showing of A Sea Change, Imagine a World Without Fish. » Beautiful new documentary on the oceans […]
Knitted Corals, A Jellyfish Light And A Song
By Daniel de la Calle Looking for news about Ocean Acidification tends to be devastating, feels like swimming in a sea of storms in the quest of a single ray of light. Each hand stroke leaves you caught between the huge waves of poisoned destruction and that those fruitless political name calling all matters environmental […]
Belated Post About a Belated Award
By Daniel de la Calle Two weeks ago our director Barbara Ettinger was informed that A Sea Change won last year’s Best Environmental Documentary Award at the Ventura Film Festival in California! Talk of a job taken seriously, twelve months for the jury to choose us; the value of this acknowledgement must at least be […]
The Hook that Caught the Fish that Saves the Corals that Inspired the Artist
By Daniel de la Calle Here are a few Ocean and Ocean Acidification news bits found while surfing the web over the past week. I hope some are news to you: •How long has man been catching fish from the open ocean? 42,000 years at the very least. Archeologists from the Australian National […]
Medellín, Medallo, Metrallo
By Daniel de la Calle Although I only stayed in Medellín for a couple of days the screening organizers, Agenda del Mar, squeezed over 10 television, radio and newspaper interviews along with the evening at Parque Explora into the agenda. My tourist sightseeing experience was limited to quick glimpses and finger pointing from the […]
Environmental Capitalism
By Daniel de la Calle Richard Conniff wrote a brilliant piece last year titled “What are species worth? Putting a price on biodiversity” : Had you ever heard about Prochlorococcus, a cyanobacteria responsible for 20% of the oxygen we breathe? It might have only been discovered 25 years ago, but was playing this vital role […]
Building Things Up For RIO+20
By Daniel de la Calle As we get slowly closer to the month of June and RIO+20 we begin to see more online information linking the summit and Ocean Acidification, which is encouraging. I have also included some related news items to our usual list: »In an article on RTCC (a Non-Governmental Organization and […]
The Sea in Songs
By Daniel de la Calle On this quiet Sunday afternoon, several songs about the oceans, whales, waves, sailing, gulfs and shores: Katell Keineg. GULF OF ARABY Pearl Jam. OCEANS Coldplay. SWALLOWED IN THE SEA Rod Stewart. SAILING Morcheeba. THE SEA Madredeus. AO LONGE O MAR The Velvet […]
Videos Of Present & Future Inventions
By Daniel de la Calle This weekend I wanted to take a look at inventions, some that look like science fiction but are in fact here with us now, other technologies that still need years or decades in development to be functional but that look promising, ingenious, and cheap simple ideas that are changing the […]
That Elusive Golden Past
By Daniel de la Calle The screening at Maloka and the countless interviews in Bogotá couldn’t have gone any better. Some sort of miracle, some magic must have turned my pumpkin backpack into the Ocean Acidification ambassador’s golden chariot (caught up in the worst traffic jams ever, though!) and I was welcomed like royalty, asked […]
By Daniel de la Calle Islands make for miniature universes, like snow globes: they transform a few miles distance into the crossing of a continent, produce insular dwarfism (where even the animals try to scale down and look only into the restricted cosmos) and remarkable adaptation from its species. I know what it […]
Research News and Job Opportunities
By Daniel de la Calle I bring you some research news and job opportunities to start the week: •The University of Alaska Fairbanks placed its first Ocean Acidification buoy in Alaskan waters last April. “This is the first dedicated ocean acidification mooring to be deployed in a high-latitude coastal sea,” said Jeremy Mathis, principal […]
Stupid Monkey
By Daniel de la Calle Having a trivial talk last fall with friends at a bar in Spain the conversation took a sudden turn to 9/11. To my shock everyone around was convinced that 1: those planes never hit the towers, or 2: they simply weren’t what caused the towers to collapse. Some dark, […]
By Daniel de la Calle While in Santa Marta, on Colombia’s eastern Caribbean coast, a old beggar in front of a supermarket told me he was a fisherman in a small neighboring village called Taganga. He explained that fishing was worse these days. The last few days he caught enough to eat, but was there […]
Screening in Medellín Tomorrow
By Daniel de la Calle On Thursday, June 23rd, we will be screening A Sea Change at the 3D cinema in Medellin’s Parque Explora. Prior to it I will be doing two days of interviews with local, regional and national media on Ocean Acidification and the documentary. So far we have had amazing media coverage […]
A Brave Speech
By Daniel de la Calle I thought this video of Senator Sheldon Whitehouse’s speech at the US Senate deserved to be posted on its own. Everyone of these 23 minutes is worth listening to. Below you will find a transcript of the part where he talks about Ocean Acidification and HERE the whole text. […]
By Daniel de la Calle This week marked the 100th Anniversary of Amundsen’s expedition to the South Pole. On December 14th Norwegians around the world commemorated the significant date in various ways and followed through the media the last few miles of a 57 day journey that has followed the famous 1911 route. If this […]
A List of Lists
By Daniel de la Calle We are still in January, the month of lists and resolutions for the remaining 11 months or the rest of our lives. Here I list of some of those lists: •The Center for Biological Diversity announced their Top Ten priorities for 2012. Here is the list: 1 Save the […]
Autumn News
By Daniel de la Calle •Monterey Bay Aquarium Research Institute scientists have launched a sophisticated, unique tool to study the effects of Ocean Acidification on deep-sea animals in their native habitat, using free-flowing water. The idea behind Free-Ocean Carbon Enrichment (FOCE) is to create a test area on the seafloor where seawater pH […]
News, If That’s What They Are To You
By Daniel de la Calle We are half way into the month of February and very much in need of some news about Ocean Acidification, coral reefs and the environment: »Australian study finds that coral reefs in colder waters have benefited from warmer conditions over the past 110 years. The work was carried out in […]
News and a Rumor
By Daniel de la Calle Distilled from the World Wide Web for you: -The Plymouth Marine Laboratory has launched a new short film on Ocean Acidification. Its title is “Ocean acidification: Connecting science, industry, policy and public”. Here it is -Folks at United By Blue are organizing a cleanup on Saturday June 11th […]
News Keep Coming
By Daniel de la Calle A new year has begun and that fabricated clean slate feeling is very encouraging. Please find below the almost classic by now mix of news, job offers and information. Same style, new content: •Fish larvae might be directly harmed by Ocean Acidification: various news published on December 11th, 2011, […]