Looking Out The Window In Belo Horizonte…
By Daniel de la Calle I only see favela neighborhoods clinging onto the hills, some dirty wet streets, cars, buses and trucks that knit a visible veil of pollution. Belo Horizonte means “Beautiful Horizon” and it probably was at some point. I am sure things were very different 100 years back, but that beautiful horizon […]
Monday’s Smorgasbord
By Daniel de la Calle Every few weeks there is a new one, March was not going to be an exception. Here you go, the list of A Sea Change news, Ocean Acidification videos and assorted internet links. ¤¤ Barbara and Sven spent this past month on the West Coast attending screenings, meeting people, […]
News, Links and Videos
By Daniel de la Calle Some news on Ocean Acidification from the past few weeks: ¤ NOAA has released a new page on Ocean Acidification that delivers general information on the topic and describes the work that the National Oceanic And Atmospheric Administration is carrying out. A couple links to the content and nice […]
News: What Blogs Are For
By Daniel de la Calle Here is the classic list of web finds you have seen right here in the past. This week I dug out two great videos, info about a workshop in China, a job offer, some news and a literary reference, clearly enough to enhance your weekend experience. Echinoderms will be fine. […]
Oceanic News
By Daniel de la Calle I just spent five hours flying over the Atlantic and as a tribute to it have decided to list five nuggets of information about our oceans, those two thirds of Earth that we normally see as highways, supermarkets, dumpsters, bounties of riches or playgrounds, but are seldom given the importance […]
On Drowning
By Daniel de la Calle I was 9 years old in 1981 when a local diver submerged a marble image of the Virgin of Carmen on the beach in front of my house as a sign of gratitude for a personal favor or miracle granted. At the time the event barely made the news, but […]
Pearls in Vinegar
By Daniel de la Calle I am a very slow museum visitor. Last month I went to the Louvre for a couple of hours on three consecutive days and did not even make it through the marvelous Egyptian wing. When I was a kid, one of the first stories that fascinated me about ancient Egypt […]
Please welcome: the amazing octopus
By Daniel de la Calle During my first year of college I studied Law. I did not know what to do and my father was convinced it suited me, so between nothing and Law, Law it was. For two semesters the only lectures that caught my attention were about Roman Law. Not only was the […]
Pteropod inspired art
Phyllis Lam is a biology student at the University of Rochester. After recently watching A Sea Change in Dr. Terry Platt’s Biology class she wrote to Barbara Ettinger, our director, to thank her for the meaningful work the film is doing. She said: “I am shocked and concerned about the serious problem of ocean acidification. Global […]
Screening at the Oil Company
By Daniel de la Calle from Ipanema Beach, Brazil This past Friday the 28th A Sea Change screened at the CENPES center in Rio de Janeiro. It is a massive 25 acre complex that employs over 1,500 biologists, chemists, marine ecologists and engineers working in interdisciplinary groups at the Petrobras headquarters, one of the leading […]
By Daniel de la Calle In Spanish we call jellyfish “medusas”. Medusa was a beautiful young priestess in Athena’s Temple. She was desired by many men until she lay together on the temple floor with Poseidon, the god of the sea, and an enraged Athena transformed her gorgeous hair into serpents and her face into […]
On Earth Day this week, Barbara and Sven were announced as 2010 NOAA (National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration) Environmental Heroes for their tireless work to bring attention to ocean acidification through A Sea Change. To see the official announcement, click here.
Ocean Acidification Breaks the Surface
Today is Ocean Day at COP-15. The day began with a bang with a major piece from the BBC quoting the UK’s Environmental Minister, Hilary Benn, regarding the importance of ocean acidification. Barbara and I attended panel presentations at the European Environmental Agency (EEA) here in Copenhagen. Speaker after speaker spoke about the changes […]
One Victory for our Oceans: The EPA will Focus on Ocean Acidification
Check out this new article from the Christian Science Monitor about the EPA’s decision to help states study and address the increasing acidity of their waters. This will be another use of the powerful Clean Water Act, and possibly a landmark event in bringing attention to ocean acidification. This important step has been brought to […]
Sao Paulo de Janeiro
By Daniel de la Calle It is 60 degrees, cloudy and windy at times and I am listening to the National’s new record surrounded by maple, oak and pine tress in my office. No more Tim Maia, Marisa Monte, funky carioca or forró. No more Os Mutantes. I will need to close my eyes really […]
SCRIPPS and A Sea Change: Science and Cinema on a Mission
On Friday night we had a reunion in La Jolla with our colleagues from the Scripps Institution of Oceanography. It was the first time we had gotten together since we stormed COP15. After much strategizing, we have decided to have a repeat performance at COP16 in November. We concluded that we had, in fact, made […]
Sea Level Rise, Ocean Warming and Ocean Acidification
By Daniel de la Calle If you can spare 18 minutes, please watch this video of a conference about the oceans delivered by Professor Rob Dunbar, of Stanford University. I believe it was held in the Galapagos Islands not long ago. Professor Dunbar talks about sea level rise, ocean warming and about what “frightens [him] […]
South of Africa
A couple weeks ago we had several screenings at the Labia Theatre in Cape Town, South Africa. Thanks to the efforts from the Sustainable Seas Trust, Andreas Spath with his While You Were Sleeping team, and Tessa Hempson from the University of Cape Town it was a great success that even took them by surprise. […]
Stirring it up on the West Coast
In our last entry, we were touring the gold mining town of Nevada city in our new t-shirts, sporting the logo “make films, not war”. This was during the Wild and Scenic Film Festival in Nevada City, just east of Sacramento in the foothills of the Sierra Mountains. An established environmental film festival, it brings […]
Strange Demand
By Daniel de la Calle Hello Everybody, My name is Daniel de la Calle and I was the production photographer in “A Sea Change”. Barbara Ettinger and Sven Huseby recently asked me to continue collaborating by working on the website, so I hope to write some posts over these upcoming months. Today I was feeling […]
Summer Winds
By Daniel de la Calle Over twenty years ago I saw my first wind farm around the Gibraltar Strait. I was going with my parents and brothers to the town of Tarifa, on the Cádiz coast, “the windsurfing capital of the world” as they called it back then. Tarifa has a much higher suicide rate […]
Teaching Moments
By Ben Kalina It’s been two years now since we filmed A Sea Change along the northern California coast and the journey continues with screenings scheduled globally as we plan another celebration of World Ocean Day in early June. As if ocean acidification wasn’t enough and we needed another reason to wean ourselves quickly from […]
The “Oceans Are Talking” CD is out
Congratulations, Sam, on a great video (below), and many fantastic songs for us all to enjoy on your new CD, “Oceans Are Talking.” Sam has included a catchy tune called Pteropods, inspired by A Sea Change. The CD is available in our store on our website. You are amazing, Sam. Thank you!
The Journey Continues
We had thought that the film festival cycle was over for “A Sea Change”. But a few months ago, we learned that we had been accepted into the Wild and Scenic Environmental Film Festival in Nevada City, California (the center of the Gold Rush in the 1850’s) and the Sonoma Film Festival. We arrived in Nevada City today and were fascinated with […]
The Price of Flying High
By Daniel de la Calle In his book How to Live a Low-Carbon Life, Chris Goodall breaks down the average 12.5 tonnes of CO2 per person yearly emissions in the UK into around 6 directly generated by the individual and another 6.5 generated by such things as “running offices, making fertilizer, smelting iron ore and […]